We are proud to announce that you can now easily purchase a Full Detail on our website!
How it works – Purchase your Full Interior and Exterior Detail on and call to schedule an appointment. Bring a printed or emailed copy of your receipt to confirm your purchase.
The Full Detail Includes:
- Full exterior wash
- Waxing and polishing of all exterior surfaces
- Removal of surface contaminants
- Vehicle is buffed removing all clear coat scratches leaving paint with even high luster no swirl finish
- Paint, door jams and all door crevices are cleaned of all wax residue
- Removal of all tar, bugs and/or soap from exterior surfaces
- Exterior rubber, plastic, and vinyl moldings are dressed
- Engine compartment is cleaned and dressed
- Removal of inner hood dirt, debris, and contaminants
- Cleaning of front grill
- Inner hood cleaned and dressed
- Wheel and wheel wells cleaned and cleared of debris and brake dust
- Tires and wheel wells are dressed
- Final wax finish evenly applied on vehicle
- Cleaning and shampooing of floor mats and carpets
- Interior and exterior windows are cleaned and left streak free
- Vanity mirrors and side mirrors are cleaned
- Removal of all interior debris and thorough vacuuming of all interior surfaces
- All vents and crevices are cleaned and dressed
- Ash trays, cup holders, console compartments and glove box are cleaned
- All interior surfaces are cleaned including headliner and leather seats
- Trunk is cleaned and free of debris
- Vehicle inspection by professionally trained manager